Hide App Dock Mac

Many people overuse the minimize button to get applications and windows out of the way. In most cases, it is more efficient to use the Hide command to simply hide the app. Hidden apps can be quickly and easy brough back and you won't clutter your Dock with minimized windows. Today using tabs in windows and autosave to easily quit and relaunch apps means you should rarely need the minimize button.

Check out Use Hide Instead Of Minimize On Your Mac at YouTube for closed captioning and more options.

Problem: macOS Dock is the command center for your Mac.With Apple Dock you can run applications, switch between apps, open documents and links. Unfortunately, Apple Dock lacks many useful features such as Window Management and Switching between Windows, appearance Customization, Hiding app icons. Solution: ActiveDock is a full replacement for Apple Launchpad and Dock with many new features.

  • I know how to do that, the thing is the dock used to dissapear automatically when i enterd a full screen mode. I have never had to do anthing manually in order to hide it. Well it doesn't matter now. I don't know how, but it dissapears again on full screen. Thanks for the help anyways.
  • But for Mac, with Discord open the big 'I'm a gamer, here's my Discord icon' is not something I want in my dock. Minimizing to the menu bar would be IDEAL. I've done some research on google which is directing me to some old apps (Burn, Ghosttile, Dock Dodger) - but they all look pretty dates.
Hide App Dock Mac

Mac Hide App In Dock


Mac Hide App From Dock

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